It was a dark and stormy night. The black clouds in the sky cast dark shadows on the earth. And the moon had a face more sinister than a possessed Jack O Lantern. It was a perfect night for evil and horror to reign and walk free through the darkness. The wind blew through the trees and made ghostly sounds as the trees seems to come alive with their sinister howls.
My cousin Victoria was home with a bunch of her girl friends who were spending the night at her house. Victoria had brought a ouija board to the house that night. She wanted to know if any of her friends wanted to play the ouija board with. They all refused and they made Victoria angry. She called all her friends cowards and declared that she would play with the ouija board alone! They just stared and watched as she played with the evil thing. It all started out nice and innocent with Victoria asking questions about her age and where she was from? The planchette moved and glided across the ouija board as she asked it more and more questions. Her friends watched with curiosity the planchette moved across the board.
A storm has now started outside as the black clouds of darkness cast a dark shadow on the house and blocked out most of the moonlight. The lighting and thunder outside seemed almost magicakal as the lighting illuminated the dining room where Victoria was playing with the ouija board. She now started to ask the ouija board more serious questions. Questions about when she would get married. She asked who she would marry and when. The ouija board told her many details about her future. It told her the name of her husband Eddie. And it also told her where he would be from and when they would meet. She started to get scared at this point. And the ouija board started to go crazy and move very fast across the board. The planchette was out of control and kept making figure 8s. Victoria decided to ask for the first time that night who she was talking to. The ouija board only spelled out. E V I L. It kept spelling E V I L. She took her hand off the planchette and told the ouija she didn't want to talk to it anymore. So the planchette floated off the board by it''s self. Victoria was scared but it seemed that the ouija board session was done. Or so she thought.
Later on that night Victoria and her friend started experiencing spooky things happening in the house. The lights would flicker on and off by themselves. The TV and vcr would turn on alone and then turn off. Things would fly off the shelves. They were very scared to say the least. Victoria's friends told her: "See you never should have played with that ouija board!" "Now our house is haunted." Victoria only told them not to worry and that it would all be over by morning. That night Victoria felt something horrifying happening to her. She felt as if someone or something was punching her from the inside. As if she has a baby inside her that was punching her. She didn't know what was going on. But she was so scared that she did not get much sleep that night.
The night of evil and horror passed and Victoria got rid of the ouija board. Nothing strange ever happened to her at her house. She thought her encounter with the Darkside was over. Little did she know the fun was only starting. She had forgotten about the predictions the ouija board made about her future. All of her foretold future did come true. Just as the ouija had foretold. She met her husband and his name and place of birth was just as the ouija had foretold. Even the year the ouija said they would get married was exact. The only thing the ouija didn't tell Victoria was the dire future she would have for asking the ouija about her future.
After a couple years Victoria got pregnant and was about to have a baby. But the baby died in her womb while it was inside of her! They had to remove the dead baby from her womb. It was a very sad and dire experience. The ouija did tell her she would have a baby. But it never told her it would die inside of her. Two years later her husband Eddie got a horrible sickness that killed him very quickly. And the ouija board had also predicted that Victoria would get married. But it never told her that he would soon die some years later.
Till she say Victoria walks around with Eddie's ashes. And she warns all young girls not to play with the ouija. For the ouija can predict the future. But you have to ask your self. It is really worth it?

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