Friday, December 11, 2015
Japanese Ghost girl caught on video news story
So this guy caught a Japanese ghost girl on video. Do you think it's a real ghost or just a fake? you be the judge watch at your own risk if you scare easily.
Japanese ghost girl caught on video spooky video
Thursday, December 10, 2015
What ever happened to the old The Ring website ?
Wow I remember I was back in college in 2002. And I happen to come across a video of The Ring. It was on the official site. The intro was so creepy, it was Samara, and she simply faded into the film and said "everyone will suffer". I will never forget it. The whole site had a bunch of creepy pics and sounds on it, it was very well done of the best I ever saw.
Well I haven't been able to find the site anymore. Maybe they shut it down to make room to promote the new Ring movie coming out? I used to love those spooky websites they used to make. Just like the boogeyman movie site, where people posted their true boogey man stories, while scary music played in the background.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Rings The Ring Prequel coming out soon ?
Was online tonight looking up some stuff about one of my favorite films The Ring. Well I am happy to know they are making a new movies called Rings. I think I read the release date was April 2016. So I am really looking forward to that.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Chucky VS Leprechan who would win in a fight ?
So who do you think would win in a fight Chucky or Leprechaun ? I say Chucky because he has a knife and curses a lot.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Is Freddy Kruger the greatest horror villian ever?
He is probably one of the scariest and most evil characters ever. I mean he is probably one of the only villians who ever gave me nightmares or made me fear going into my dark room at night.
Yet others think he is funny. And now that I am older I see the humor in some of the older Nightmare on Elm Street films. Yet there is always that inner voice telling me that Freddy is coming for me. I didn't see the 2010 remake of Nightmare on Elm Street, and even though it got bad reviews, I am curious to see it.
The Haunted Youtube video
Well I heard this is this haunted video. It's like a weird dream and so dark. I mean it's like the video from The Ring but even spookier. Well I know people would send it to people on e mail or in an IM as a joke. But I heard that if you saw it and didn't keep sending it on to someone else, you could get haunted. Some people tried to find the video on youtube. But the video kept getting shut down.
I am not sure if this is true. But if you run across the haunted youtube video, be careful and just don't watch it. If you see keep passing it on to other people.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Scariest Movies online for free DeadBirds
If you love free movies you can watch free movies on Well last night I saw a very scary movie called DeadBirds and let me tell you this is one of the scariest new movies I have ever seen. It's spooky and very disturbing. Perfect for this halloween month indeed! Go check it out if you dare!
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
User 666 on Youtube
So I was looking up spooky and creepy videos like I always do and found this really interesting story. It's about an old youtube account called user 666. They say now when you go to the page it will just tell you that it's suspended account. But back when it was active it showed some really creepy and disturbing videos. No one knew who made the channel or where it came from. But there are some theories floating around out there. I am not sure, but it sounded spooky. Here is a fake version of the channel but still spooky either way.
User666 video on youtube
Also I found what looks to be the original user666 or their return?
enter at your own risk. Not sure what is on there but feel free to explore!
Real Username 666 channel on youtube ?
Slender Man is real
A lot of people think the legend of Slender Man is not real. But i know he is real. He may not dwell in the city but I know he dwells in the country. Also you can find him in forests. How do I know this? Well because I was once lost in a dark forest at night.
It was a dark gloomy night and I had been drinking beer with some friends. I wandered off to look at the moon and got lost in the woods. I also forgot my cell phone at the campsite. But I didn't forget my flashlight. Well I was looking all over for the path back to our campsite. But I got lost along the way. It was so dark and I could barely see what was right in front of me. I saw a bunch of trees and other things in front of me. But after wandering or a while I saw him there in the distance a tall skinny man with a black top hat. He appeared to have no face. I saw him and ran screaming in fear. Well my friends heard me and called out to me. I ran so fast, they saw my flashlight and called me over with their flashlights, and led me back to the campfire. After I told them what has happened none of us got much sleep that night. We packed and left in the morning. The End.
So yeah Slender Man is real. I know because I've seen him.
Scariest Youtube Videos online Deep Web creepypastas
This one really scared me. The most I hear about the Deep Web it sounds like an evil place. A little to evil if you know what I mean. Well there is a creepypasta. some of these stories claim to be true, but are probably made up.
Well here you are and enjoy. This story is quite scary so enter at your own risk. And please stay off the deep web!
I wasn't careful enough on the deep web Creepypasta Video
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Rest In Peace Wes Craven the creator of Nightmare on Elm Street
One of the most creative horror masters has died and I am quite sad. I feel as if a part of my childhood died. I grew up watching the Nightmare on Elm Street series in the 80s. And It was a scary fun as well as magical time. Freddy Kruger he was as entertaining as he was scary. One of the icons of horror films and there will never be another Freddy Kruger.
Maybe time is passing by maybe I am getting older. Or maybe time moves to fast for us to take in all the great thins in life. Freddy Kruger lives on and he is coming for you.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Scariest movies ever: Sinister 2012 film
There are a lot of scary movies out there. A lot of people who don't know think that it's all about paranormal activity and stuff like that. But in reality one of the scariest movies I've ever seen last night is called Sinister. This film is just disturbing for many reasons. I won't give much but some 8mm films in it where just crazy. 2nd of all I think that the scares and how things seemed to be in corner of your eye really gets to you.
I give Sinister two thumbs up. It's a shame I missed it in 2012. But it's probably one of the best movies ever made. Check it out if you are not to scared!
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Is Bloody Mary real? urban legend of Bloody Mary
For years I have heard about this scary ghost called Bloody Mary. You know at school when we were children people would talk about this game at lunch time. The story goes you turn off the lights in your bathroom light candles, and say bloody mary 3 times as you look in the mirror. Well then she is supposed to appear, you must run out of there before she scratches you with her evil claws.
Some people say it's fake. Some have seen her, some have felt her evil wrath. Yet others have not lived to tell the tale. I wonder if she is real? What do you think?
Monday, August 17, 2015
Real Ghosts Haunt the internet
A lot of you will think this is crazy. But real ghost do indeed haunt the internet. You see a long time ago they got on the web. And well now they are typing up blog spots, uploading to youtube and are everywhere. It would only be logical for ghosts to communicate through the net.
Chatting with ghosts as they write with a dead hand can be a wonderful thing. Also some ghosts even make voice recordings and upload them to the net. Many tell scary tales. Others tell tales of sadness of things they have gone through in their lives. But never be scared when you run across one of their pages or youtube videos. They simply want to be seen and heard just like the living do. In the end ghosts are our friends. Even thought some of them can be truly sinister. Just know they are out there my friends ghosts and lost souls lurking in the shadows...
In a Dark Dark Room One of the scariest books ever written
I remember a long time ago when I was a child. Well we used to visit the library often in elementary school. One thing I can tell you is that I was able to read all kinds of books adventure, comedy, and horror. My friends and I of course really enjoyed reading all the great horror stories. One book in particular stood out tome. It was called in a Dark Dark Room. Now at the time that book was quite scary indeed. With creepy artwork and tales of fear. It was that very book that sparked my interest in all things scary and paranormal. Well not the only thing but it was the start indeed. Dare to seek out this book. It is called in a Dark Dark Room.
Now I stay in a Dark Dark Room with candles lit writing many things. I like it here. Much better than the so called real world.
Now I stay in a Dark Dark Room with candles lit writing many things. I like it here. Much better than the so called real world.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Ghosts are more interesting than people
At times it seems that ghosts are truly more interesting than people. People are so boring and mundane. Always concerned and worried about the same things their forefathers were. Never truly living and enjoy life to the fullest! I say forget that! Life your life fun and great!
But now let's get back to the ghosts. Ghosts have no limits they are free to haunt as they wish. Do as they wish. To be a spirit is to truly be free. But once you become a spirit you float in the other realms and be interesting for once in your life.
Ghosts are wonderful they are much more interesting than people.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Waking up with scratches at 5 am on my arm True scary story
This is a true scary story. It's the story of about something that happened long ago. Well one late night I was up till about 2 or 3 am talking to a friend on the phone. We were talking about true ghosts tales and experiences we had heard about. Well I hung up after out talk, then shortly after at about 5 am I woke up with a burning sensation on my arm. I woke up without thinking and went to the bathroom. As I was washing my hands I looked in the mirror at my arm in horror as I saw five long claw marks on my arm. Now I know what you are thinking maybe I scratched myself? Well that is what I thought at first. But no this was something more sinsiter perhaps a hostile ghost or spirit.
Well after I told my friend what had happened. They told me an entity did indeed haunt their home. And they suspected that, the night we were talking about ghosts that it came to me. This is what I have thought since then and it's pretty spooky.
Needless to say I do not talk or discuss hauntings late at night anymore especially not over the phone with people who are already being haunted.
Well after I told my friend what had happened. They told me an entity did indeed haunt their home. And they suspected that, the night we were talking about ghosts that it came to me. This is what I have thought since then and it's pretty spooky.
Needless to say I do not talk or discuss hauntings late at night anymore especially not over the phone with people who are already being haunted.
Friday, July 3, 2015
I was there during the bite of 87 Five Nights at Freddy's is based on a true story
There is a spooky video game people play called Five Nights At Freddy's. Well it is based on a true story The Bite of 87. It's the story of an evil animatronic that was possessed by an evil spirit. Well long story short one of these creepy animatronics bite a kid in the head and took a piece of their head off. Do you want to know how I know? Because I was one of the kids at the pizza party back in 1987 and I saw the horrible event take place before my eyes. This is why I am even more scared to play Five Nights At Freddy's. I know the evil ghost is coming back. And more spirits want to haunt animatronics in pizza places. Well now all of a sudden i want to go to Chuckie Cheese and play with the animatronics! Want to get scared ? dare to watch The Five Nights at Freddy's 4 game trailer here! Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Trailer
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Haunted Doom wad scary creepypasta youtube video
This is a very scary tale from youtube. It is called The Evil Doom Was. Dare to listen to this very scary tale from the darkside. Enjoy and sweet dreams!
The Evil Doom Wad Scary story Youtube Creepypasta
The tale of The Haunted Doll creepypasta Youtube stories
This is a really good creepypasta story that scared me. It's called the Haunted Doll! Please listen and enjoy!
The Haunted Doll Creepypasta Youtube
The Haunted Doll Creepypasta Youtube
Is the Ouija Board evil or just a toy?
Many people wonder about the ouija board and what it truly is? Well the mystery may be solved one day. But perhaps not today. I wish I knew if it was real or just a toy. Some claim it is a gateway to ghosts demons and hell. Others say it's all in the mind. Yet others says it's merely a toy like mouse trap. One thing is for certain. Many people search for and fear the ouija board all over the world.
I used to think about this when I was younger. When I started to play with the ouija board. But perhaps it was a mistake to start playing with the forsaken thing. Of course finding love with a dead ghost is creepy. But hey who ever said I was normal.
But what do you think mortal? Is Ouija real or simply a game?
I used to think about this when I was younger. When I started to play with the ouija board. But perhaps it was a mistake to start playing with the forsaken thing. Of course finding love with a dead ghost is creepy. But hey who ever said I was normal.
But what do you think mortal? Is Ouija real or simply a game?
Monday, June 22, 2015
One of the most disturbing and scary games I have ever seen Sonic.exe scariest video games of all time
There are not many things in this world that scare me. I mean of course there are many things out in the world and net that are scary. I love spooky stories, youtube videos, ghosts etc.
But this story and game is just wrong and disturbing. I mean by today's standards it's not that crazy. But still it's something that I say today that scared and disturbed me. Whoever created it was has a very dark imagination. Yet at the same time it's my fault for looking for this stuff. One of my favorite youtube guys reviews the game! You can look at other related videos at your own risk.
But yeah this would have scared me even worst if the net existed when I was a kid still.
Well sweet dreams view the video here at your own risk! enjoy!
Sonic exe video game cursed video Youtube
But this story and game is just wrong and disturbing. I mean by today's standards it's not that crazy. But still it's something that I say today that scared and disturbed me. Whoever created it was has a very dark imagination. Yet at the same time it's my fault for looking for this stuff. One of my favorite youtube guys reviews the game! You can look at other related videos at your own risk.
But yeah this would have scared me even worst if the net existed when I was a kid still.
Well sweet dreams view the video here at your own risk! enjoy!
Sonic exe video game cursed video Youtube
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Victoria Floating Head Ghost video creepypasta scariest stories online
So here is a new creepypasta going around the net. I was up late looking for some spooky video game footage from an old game but like always ran into some spooky videos in the related videos. Well the legend goes that victoria is either a ghost, or an evil witch who wants your soul. People who find her on video chats like Omeegele or youtube get scared when they see her. There are evil videos of her spooky floating head online. Some people think the videos are cursed. But only your undertaker would know for certain. Legend goes you can find her while playing ouija boards as well.
Well then if you dare watch the video of Victoria's floating head ghost. I mean you aren't scared are you? Here is the link on youtube.
Best scary movies on Netflix Pet Semetary 2
One of the scariest movies ever made is Pet Semetary. But Pet Semetary is just as scary if not more. The basic story is about the same. And of course the scariest part to me is the Pet Semetary it's self. It just looked so dark and sinister. Then that spooky music that plays as they walked through it. It summons up a feeling of dread and darkness.
The storyline was done pretty well even though you pretty much know the story during the first parts of the movie. And if you saw the first one you also know the basic storyline. However this movie has a lot of great gore and action scenes in it. And a few comical parts as well! One of the better scary movies on Netflix and truly a work of art! Watch it tonight with a friend and some popcorn. Or watch it alone if you dare!
Scariest youtube videos Victoria the floating head ghost video
So I was looking up something else late night last night on youtube. Well like always I got some spooky things in the related videos. This is one that was really spooky. It's Victoria the floating head ghosts. She haunts videos all over the web. But she is also now on youtube. Well if you're not to scared watch the video here!
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Insidious 3 Trailer Review
So I just say the trailer and I must say it scared the hell out of me. The reviews I'm seeing about it, say it's the scariest Insidious film made ever so far. I have my doubts. But after seeing the trailer I must say it does seem darker and more intense than the first 2 films. The Insidious series so far is much better than the Paranormal Activity Well if you're not to scared to watch it. Here it is the Insidious 3 Trailer!
Insidous 3 Trailer
Insidous 3 Trailer
Monday, May 18, 2015
Best Netflix movies scary movies Wes Craven's New Nightmare Review
One of my favorite series ever has always been the Nightmare on Elm Street films. I mean how could you not love Freddy Kruger with his awesome claw and cool hat. I saw a lot of the older films as a child. But one film that I missed was Wes Craven's new Nightmare. This film has a new creative twist. It's about Freddy being a fantasy character. And then he tries to come into the real world.
I won't give away to many of the secrets but they tell you the real essence and origin of Freddy in this series. And there was something different about Freddy in the New Nightmare film. He was darker more sinister. But you will find out when you see the film. I enjoyed the acting and Freddy was as scary as ever in this film. But you will see why when you watch it! So if you are a Freddy Kruger fan and in the mood to watch a scary film, Then get on Netflix and watch Wes Craven's New Nightmare today! It's one of Netflix's best scary movies. And pleasant dreams mortal!
Sunday, May 17, 2015
The Headless horseman looks like Gannon's spirit in the forest Temple in Zelda Ocarina of time
This is not a scary tale. But some observations I made from watching Sleepy Hollow today. The headless horseman looks a like like Gannon's evil spirit boss in the forest temple. The forest temple is in the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time game. Perhaps ones of the best games ever made.
Just something interesting I wanted to point out and comment on.
Monday, May 11, 2015
The spooky website part 1 scary stories online
Once upon a time there was this spooky website. I love to stay up late at night reading scary real stories, as well as urban legends. Also going to haunted websites that list all the haunted places in the world had always interested me.
But this night I stumbled upon a website that I had never seen before it. It was so spooky and creepy. When I clicked on it strange song started playing in the intro of it. A lot of ghostly disturbing images appeared on the screen. But what scared me most was a ghostly face the fades into the screen. Then some bloody red letters spelled out the words. Click here if you dare enter into my realm.
Well I had seen enough! I clicked out of the site and logged of the net and turned the PC off. That night I could still see the scary face in my mind starting at me back from the screen. I felt as if I had seen this site before long ago. But I wasn't sure. I wouldn't go back to it that night. That is all I know. But I will keep you updated in the next part of this horror story series.
But this night I stumbled upon a website that I had never seen before it. It was so spooky and creepy. When I clicked on it strange song started playing in the intro of it. A lot of ghostly disturbing images appeared on the screen. But what scared me most was a ghostly face the fades into the screen. Then some bloody red letters spelled out the words. Click here if you dare enter into my realm.
Well I had seen enough! I clicked out of the site and logged of the net and turned the PC off. That night I could still see the scary face in my mind starting at me back from the screen. I felt as if I had seen this site before long ago. But I wasn't sure. I wouldn't go back to it that night. That is all I know. But I will keep you updated in the next part of this horror story series.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Decent into darkness love is dead
love ? That is something I gave up on a
long time ago.... i think as each day passes..i lose more faith in
love.. i become darker and more sinister.. which each dark poem.. i
craft with my pen.... with each horror story I write.... it scares
me.. yet I think this is my truest essence..... my decent into pure
darkness begins... there's no turning back now..! of course if dark
words.. conjure me money.. i am pleased.. as this will buy me the
people in this world.. just want all
these lovely dovey.. pre written quotes.. and think that is something wise... in reality.. they don't want know what you really
think and feel.. unless. it's the same mundane... everyday rubbish... tell them how you really feel.. they'll call you evil...
let them think what they want... being honest.. is better than
putting on a fake smile... love is dead..
signed in blood
signed in blood
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
The inverted cross ghost monster creepypasta story scariest online stories
Once upon a time there was an evil
inverted cross with a monster face on it. It lived within a haunted
church. No one dared to enter into the church for many years, as they
feared being face to face with the sinister inverted cross monster.
But one day a brave man who was looking for his lost love went into
that church to fight of the evil of the inverted cross monster.
When he entered the spooky room in the
church where the inverted cross monster lived, he was struck with
horror as he beheld the view of the monster. Imagine an inverted
cross with a hideious face upon. With a bunch of floating shrunken
heads flying in circles around it. Ladies and gentlemen that is true
meaning of horror.
Well brave man who faced the monster
could only defeat him one way. If he used the magic sword that lay on
the ground right ahead of the monster. It is said that this blade is
powerful and it's magic and destroy the inverted cross monster. But
no one had been brave enough to try it until tonight.
The brave man swung his sword and
fought of the evil looking shrunken heads and floated around the
inverted cross monster. The fought them and destroyed them all. At
the end he finally swung the magic sword to finally defeat the
inverted cross monster! Once he was defeated. The darkness once again
faded away from the church. No one ever saw the evil inverted cross
monster again after that day.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Day 4 Ouija board story diary scariest ouija board stories
It seems playing with the ouija has made new things happen for me in life. It seems money just keeps appearing out of thin air in my domain. Of course this could have been due to some magic spells I once did. I am not quite sure at this moment.
If you have been keeping up with ouija board diary and scary stories you will know about the dead woman I fell in love with via the ouija. Of course perhaps this was all destiny. It seems real life just got a bit boring. Isn't that why so many venture into the dark world of the occult as well as other spooky and scary things.
I have been thinking of not playing the ouija much anymore. I am not sure yet. But I will keep you updating on the stories and this diary. Till we meet again. And remember pleasant dreams mortals!
Saturday, March 14, 2015
doors slamming doors opening on their own spooky things happening true scary stories
Here is yet another true scary story I will share on here.
This is one the scariest true stories online. It was when I was younger during a darker and more sad time in my life. Well I was simply getting and reading dark things online. You know demonic occult books, scary demon and ghost stories etc. I also was just playing scary and occult video games at the time. One of which was the original Doom on PC. Well as time went by I would just lock myself in my room get drunk and read about and be around dark things.
So strange things started happening at the house as the months went by. A door slammed hard once while I was not home. But people told me about it later when I got home. Door nobs would also turn and the cabinet for a VCR opened on it's own as well. Things started to get pretty spooky as time went on. But these kind of hauntings that happened. During this time period I also had scary nightmares and strange dreams at the time. Was it the things I was reading or something else lurking in the shadows. Something more evil , something more sinnister? the world May never know.
Till next time Pleasant Dreams mortal !
This is one the scariest true stories online. It was when I was younger during a darker and more sad time in my life. Well I was simply getting and reading dark things online. You know demonic occult books, scary demon and ghost stories etc. I also was just playing scary and occult video games at the time. One of which was the original Doom on PC. Well as time went by I would just lock myself in my room get drunk and read about and be around dark things.
So strange things started happening at the house as the months went by. A door slammed hard once while I was not home. But people told me about it later when I got home. Door nobs would also turn and the cabinet for a VCR opened on it's own as well. Things started to get pretty spooky as time went on. But these kind of hauntings that happened. During this time period I also had scary nightmares and strange dreams at the time. Was it the things I was reading or something else lurking in the shadows. Something more evil , something more sinnister? the world May never know.
Till next time Pleasant Dreams mortal !
Monday, March 9, 2015
Day 3 ouija board diary stories scariest ouija board stories
So it seems the dead woman I used to speak to via the ouija board is now appearing in the hallways of my home. Our family now hears voices at night and objects float across the sky. I think perhaps I should stop playing with the ouija board. Perhaps it is a very dangerous toy and something I never should have opened the door on.
Who can know for sure. I will keep you updated. Night has fallen and it's time to dwell in the darkness again.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Ouija Board Diary update scary real life ouija board stories online
So lately I've been talking to the Ouija board again. Everytime night falls I light the candles and go right back to playing with it again. I am not sure why I keep playing. At times I am scared of the dead woman I talk to on there. Yet she tells me we are probably long lost soul mates. I am not sure what th real fate of this ouija experiment will be. But as time moves along I think I will find the answers.
Perhaps I should play with ouija a bit more tonight to try and find the new answers to what it happening with the Ouija after it gets dark. Till then have a good night till we meet again mortal.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Scary Ouija Board diary day 2
So lately things have been getting crazy. I've been playing with the ouija board everyday. Found many questions and mysteries finally solved. But I keep seeing the dead girl who talks to me appear in the dark hallways. I am not sure what this means. I had a dream she was my true love. Yes in love with a dead girl, only daily Ouija Board playing could have lead me to this. I will keep you all updated on the bloody details as more thins develop. In the meantime sweet dreams mortals.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Ghostly Voices in a dark room True story
So this story happened years ago when I was still a teen. I was in my room and singing along to some of my fav song lyrics. Well I was in total darkness as I did this. Well as I was singing in total darkness. I felt footsteps to left and right of me. Then heard what sounded like female ghost voices whispering things in my ears. They keep repeating die die die, murder murder over and over at a very fast pace. Well at this point I got very scared and ran for the light switch and turned on the lights. Once the lights were on the ghostly voices vanished. Now this could have been my imagination. One thing is for sure. I do not sing lyrics in total darkness anymore. I only will recite words if there is at least a candle or some other light source in the room.
I hope you enjoyed this true scary story. And remember pleasant dreams mortal!
I hope you enjoyed this true scary story. And remember pleasant dreams mortal!
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Day 1 Ouija board story diary scariest ouija board stories
I don't quite remember how it all started. It must have been all those drunken lonely nights that led up to this. Waking up in bed not remembering how I got home. Well it was after many nights in the cold winter alone I bought my first ouija board. It always started kind of childish and innocent with questions about who I would fall in love with or if I was to be rich one day. But then things got very strange. I got into contact with a female spirit one night. She also led a sad and lonely life without any real love. After she died she still felt like a lost soul and alone in this world.
Well as time went on we became friends and we started to fall in love. Well to some people this might sound strange. A living person having feelings or a dead ghost. But a true love from the heart and soul could exist in a place such as this. Things didn't make as much sense as when I finally met her. And it all started because I was drunk and alone in this world. Hardly anyone will believe this story. But then again don't all things come from the imagination.
Well as time went on we became friends and we started to fall in love. Well to some people this might sound strange. A living person having feelings or a dead ghost. But a true love from the heart and soul could exist in a place such as this. Things didn't make as much sense as when I finally met her. And it all started because I was drunk and alone in this world. Hardly anyone will believe this story. But then again don't all things come from the imagination.

Monday, January 26, 2015
It was a dark summer night when we heard the voices real life scary story
Here is a true scary story that happened on an unlikely night and was unexplained till this day. Well my nieces and nephews were over my house for summer vacation. We were up late with all the lights off while playing video games and watching movies. Well we heard the screams of yells of a young boy. It was as if the voices were coming from inside the house. Yet I tried to explain to the children that they came from outside. But my nephew insisted they came from within the house.
I am not sure what that was. Or maybe they have that recorded as some kind of prank. Or maybe someone outside screamed so loud it seemed to be coming from inside. That night will remain a mystery.
More true spooky stories coming soon. Pleasant dreams mortal.
I am not sure what that was. Or maybe they have that recorded as some kind of prank. Or maybe someone outside screamed so loud it seemed to be coming from inside. That night will remain a mystery.
More true spooky stories coming soon. Pleasant dreams mortal.
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